We do have some big news for the late 2011 and 2012 seasons below!

Their guide for the filming was none other than legendary Chilean guide Nicolas Gonzalez. Nico and his lovely wife Ilsie own a fly fishing guide and outfitter service called Trouters ltda., based out of the capital of the Patagoina region, a wonderful town called Coyhaique. Albeit another story alltogether...but during these days spent filming, some lifelong friendships, and partnerships were formed. Within a few years, Mad River Outfitters and Trouters teamed up and have been offering the best in Patagonia Fly Fishing ever since!

Patagonia Chile- commonly known as the Brown Trout Capital of the World.

Brian Flechsig and Flip Pallot in Chile during the filming of two episodes of the Walker's Cay Chronicles for ESPN

Setting up perfect shot with Nico Gonzalez.
*****Please note that we do have some "loaner" copies of the shows that the boys did if you are interested. Just contact us...we'll send one out to you FREE of charge!
Now for the Big News!

The lodge is located 5 miles outside of Coyhaique...right along the river that bear it's name.

We truly believe that we now offer the best guide(s), the best accomodations, the best food and simply the best...most personalized service in the region.
For more pictures of the new Lodge.....Click Here
" In March, 2011 as the Mad River Outfitters host, I had the opportunity to enjoy the company of one of our most intersting clients, Frank Alexander. Together we experienced wonderful Chilean hospitality and incredibly exciting fly fishing in Patagonia, Chile, the "brown trout capital of the world". Our trip was hosted in Chile by Patagonia Trouters, Mad River Outfitters partner located in Coyhaique, Chile- XI region.
Upon arrival in Balmaceda, the local airport, Frank and I received a very warm welcome from our hostess Ilsie Wolf....who runs the business side of the operation and is also married to the head guide and owner, Nicolas Gonzalez. That evening we were joined at dinner by the legendary Patagonian guide and in short time, we knew we were about to experience a more than memorable week with Nico....and boy were we correct.
Nico is as engaging as he is knowledgeable guide. He is both teacher and guide and his patience and demeanor should set the standard for all fly fishing guides. He shared very interesting information about the area, the geology and the flora and fauna. I can see now why Flip Pallot called him the "Best fishing guide I have ever fished with". I have never fished with a guide who works as harder than Nico to ensure that you enjoy the fly fishing experience of a lifetime...and that we did.
Frank and I both landed some of Patagonia's finest brown trout...with the tuteledge and coaching of Nico of course. Each day our lunch breaks seemed just as memorable thanks to the lunches that Ilsie packed for us. Of course there were the lunch-time jokes by Nico....always a clown and tons of fun to be with.
In short, Ilsie and Nico, as owner-operators of Patagonia Trouters, will go out of their way to make sure that your visit to Patagonia is the experience that you were looking for and much more. One that you will be talking about for years to come."
Dick Davidson- Mad River Outfitters

Offering the finest in Chile Fly Fishing!
Click Here for Details and Pricing on our 2012
Fly Fishing Trips to Patagonia
813 Bethel Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43214