November 11th and 12th, 2022
Mad River Outfitters is thrilled to announce very special guest Blane Chocklett. Blane began fly fishing in 1985 on a small mountain stream not far from his home in Blue Ridge, Virginia. Eight years later, he started his own freelance guide service. In 1996, Blane opened Blue Ridge Fly Fishers, a full-service fly shop located in Roanoke, Virginia.
Since 1998, Blane has served as a fly designer for Umpqua Feather Merchants. Through his Hybrid SeriesTM and other innovative designs, Blane crafts traditional and synthetic tying materials to achieve the subtleness of flies and the strike-generating action of conventional lures. He is most known for the Gummy Minnow flies and most recently the Game Changer flies. Today, Blane operates New Angle Fishing Company and specializes in float trips on three of Virginia's premiere rivers: James, New and Jackson rivers. Blane also serves on the Temple Fork Outfitters advisory board and helped them to design the new BC Big Fly rods.
Blane will be around Mad River Outfitters all weekend and will be teaching some clinics which are listed below. Register online and please call us at 614-451-0363 if you have any questions.

Friday, November 11th:
7:00- 9:00 p.m.- "Designing and Fishing Flies that Trigger Strikes" Program with Blane in the shop- $10.00 per ticket
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.- Advanced Fly Casting Clinic with Blane Chocklett and Pat Kelly- limited to 10 students- $75.00
Mad River Outfitters is thrilled to announce very special guest Blane Chocklett. Blane began fly fishing in 1985 on a small mountain stream not far from his home in Blue Ridge, Virginia. Eight years later, he started his own freelance guide service. In 1996, Blane opened Blue Ridge Fly Fishers, a full-service fly shop located in Roanoke, Virginia.
Through the years, Blane has supported the sport of fly fishing by serving as a member of the American Fly Tackle Trade Association's (AFTA) Dealer Advisory Board and by consulting with several fly fishing pro staffs. Blane has been featured by many outdoor writers in books and magazine articles over the years
Since 1998, Blane has served as a fly designer for Umpqua Feather Merchants. Through his Hybrid SeriesTM and other innovative designs, Blane crafts traditional and synthetic tying materials to achieve the subtleness of flies and the strike-generating action of conventional lures. He is most known for the Gummy Minnow flies and most recently the Game Changer flies. Today, Blane operates New Angle Fishing Company and specializes in float trips on three of Virginia's premiere rivers: James, New and Jackson rivers. Blane also serves on the Temple Fork Outfitters advisory board and helped them to design the new BC Big Fly rods.
Blane will be around Mad River Outfitters all weekend and will be teaching some clinics which are listed below. Register online and please call us at 614-451-0363 if you have any questions.

Friday, November 11th:
7:00- 9:00 p.m.- "Designing and Fishing Flies that Trigger Strikes" Program with Blane in the shop- $10.00 per ticket
Register Now!
Saturday, November 12th:
10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.- Book Signing and Fly Tying Demos- feel free to stop on by the shop!
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.- Advanced Fly Casting Clinic with Blane Chocklett and Pat Kelly- limited to 10 students- $75.00
Register Now!
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.- "Tying Game Changer Flies"- fly tying class- limited to 10 students- $150.00
* all materials for the class are included in the price. Must have some tying experience and bring your own vise and tools.
* all materials for the class are included in the price. Must have some tying experience and bring your own vise and tools.
Blane Chocklett at Mad River Outfitters
Friday and Saturday, November 11th and 12th, 2022
Mad River Outfitters
833 Bethel Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43214